Student Wellbeing

Student wellbeing and support is a key pillar of programs at Taminmin College. Taminmin’s wellbeing team provide ongoing support to students and their families. We have the following staff at the College to facilitate this

Aboriginal and Islander Education Worker (AIEW)/Attendance Team/Student Support
Taminmin College – Penny Kellaway

The AIEW, works closely with teachers, students and their families to improve Indigenous students’ engagement towards learning, attendance and further education while keeping strong connections with the Taminmin College community. The AIEW is involved in initiating effective programs, deliver class presentations on various subjects with Indigenous perspectives and other extra-curricular activities.

Student Wellbeing Advisor – George Edols

The student wellbeing advisor (SWA) is there to help with any issues that students may have, like dealing with stress or navigating tough times. The student wellbeing advisor works closely with students, teachers and parents to create positive and inclusive school environments. They are managed by the principal and must comply with the school’s policies and procedures.

Counsellor – Lynn Smith

The Counsellor provides a counselling and advocacy service for students, including referral and case collaboration with external agencies, group work and social emotional learning program delivery with teachers. Students can refer themselves through their teachers, Student Reception staff or come directly to see the counsellor in Room 20:15.

NT Health- School Health Service- Health Promoting School Nurses – Louise Harvey.

Northern Territory Health employs 8 Health Promoting School Nurses (HPSN) based in Northern Territory Government Middle and Special Schools in the Darwin and Palmerston urban areas.

HPSN’s work within the school community to provide quality school based youth services incorporating a primary health care and health promotion philosophy and principles that maintain, facilitate, and promote the physical, emotional, and social health of young people.

The HPSN role is defined as working with the school communities around the development and integration of health promotion information into the curriculum covering:

  • Alcohol & other drugs
  • Smoking
  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Health & Wellbeing including mental health, personal safety and injury

HPSN’s are also responsible for administering the School Based Immunisation Program and implementing the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule in Middle Schools, both Government and Non-Government.

Home Liaison Officer (HLO) – Michelle Pope

The HLO, works closely with students, and their families to improve student attendance. They monitor and analyse student activity and attendance data to identify and track students at risk and present this data in reports for families, Principal, Wellbeing Team and other stakeholders. Liaising with families to assist with parent and guardian meetings with any queries to help start the wellbeing support process. The HLO responsibilities also entail ensuring daily attendance of students is recorded into the schools’ systems accurately.