Year 11

SUBJECT: Creative Arts

In Stage 1 Creative Art, students investigate artists and create their own artwork over a semester long program. Student develop skills in printmaking and designing, working independently towards a final arts project where they undertake an artwork of their choice. Students are encouraged to explore materials and methods throughout this course, developing an approach of art making that involves planning, making and reflecting. Stage 1 Creative Arts is a great foundation for taking on the Stage 2 Creative Arts course.

Type: Elective Subject

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: $70 – Per semester


Students studying Stage 1 Creative Arts are recommended to have successfully passed Year 10 Creative Arts. Students need critical and creative thinking skills and a passion for the arts.

Areas of Study:
  • Creative Arts Process
  • Development and Production
  • Concepts in Creative Arts Disciplines
  • Creative Arts in Practice.

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Product 50%
Folio 25%
Practical Skills 25%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 | Creative Arts | SACE – Creative Arts – South Australian Certificate of Education


SUBJECT: Visual Art

In Stage 1 Visual Arts, Students utilise the elements of art and principles of design to analyse and create artworks in different media influenced by various art movements and concepts. Students explore artistic and crafting methods and outcomes while learning processes of creation from the initiation and development of ideas, research, analysis, and exploration, experimentation with media and technique, and resolution and production of practical work.


Type: Elective Subject

NTCET Credits: 10




Students studying Stage 1 Creative Arts are recommended to have successfully passed Year 10 Art. Students need critical and creative thinking skills and a passion for the arts.

  • Areas of Study:
    • Visual Art Analysis
    • Concept Development
    • Refinement and Refelction


All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Visual Study 30%
Folio 40%
Practical 30%


Stage 1 | Visual Arts | SACE – Visual Arts – Art and Visual Arts – Design – South Australian Certificate of Education


Combined Year 10 and 11
Semester 1: Musical Performance

Students explore the genre of Musical Theatre and associated Dance, Drama and Music application and performance. Learning experiences focus on collaboration to create a Musical Theatre performance for a public audience. In theory lessons, students reflect on the collaborative process, research Musical Theatre practitioners and conduct skills assessments.

Semester 2: Dance

In Stage 1 Dance, students develop creative, technical, and physical understanding, and an appreciation of dance as an art form. Students develop their own technical and physical skills through undertaking systematic training that enables the safe execution of a diverse range of movement. Dance offers opportunities for the development of students’ creativity, self-discipline, self-esteem, personal identity, and confidence. This is achieved through experiences that encourage collaboration and creative problem-solving, the acquisition of skills, knowledge, and understanding, and the development of aesthetic awareness.

Type: Elective Subject

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: $150 (includes shirt – semester 1 Musical only)



It is essential for students studying Stage 1 Dance to have had previous experience in dance through school subjects or dance schools. It is also highly recommended that students have had experience in performing in front of an audience as this is part of their final assessment.

Focus Areas:
  • Students will create, perform and analyse their own site-specific dance using the Elements of Dance, Choreographic Devices and Production Elements that expresses their Choreographic Intent.
  • Students will participate in a group dance that will build upon and extend their and expressive skills in Contemporary Dance.
  • Students will compare and contrast Contemporary Storytelling in dance with both live and filmed performances.

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Skills Development 20%
Creative Explorations 60%
Dance Contexts 20%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Dance SACE minisite

Combined Year 10 and 11
Semester 1: Musical Performance

Students explore the genre of Musical Theatre and associated Dance, Drama and Music application and performance. Learning experiences focus on collaboration to create a Musical Theatre performance for a public audience. In theory lessons, students reflect on the collaborative process, research Musical Theatre practitioners and conduct skills assessments.

Semester 2: Drama

Stage 1 Drama is a performance based subject. Students will be expected to perform both individually and as a group for an audience. Students will be expected to create, analyse and reflect on their own work and the work of others, culminating in a production showcase at the end of the semester.

Type: Elective Subject

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: $150 (includes shirt – Semester 1 only for Musical)



It is essential for students studying Stage 1 Drama to have had previous experience in drama through school subjects or community drama programs. It is also highly recommended that students have had experience in performing in front of an audience as this is part of their final assessment.

Focus Areas:
  • Using historical performances as inspiration, students adapt and create their own dramatic pieces whilst documenting an evidence based folio of work.
  • Analytical reviews of two professional practitioners’ works to develop appreciation of concepts and skills.
  • Students conceive, describe and justify their own original product that uses innovative technology, with the aims of stimulating an audience’s imagination, enhancing the audience’s engagement with the meanings of the work, and conveying relevant artistic ideas creatively.

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Performance 40%
Responding to Drama 30%
Creative Synthesis 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Dance SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Food & Hospitality

Students are introduced to the food and hospitality industry. Topics covered include food hygiene and safety, cultural influences on the Australian cuisine, the correlation of food and health as well as exploring occupational health and safety and welfare issues in the food and hospitality industry.

Type: Elective Subject

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: $100 (per semester) 



It is recommended that students undertaking Stage 1 Food and Hospitality to have also taken year 9 Home Economics and/or Year 10 Food and Hospitality. It is also recommended that students work well in teams, work well with industry standard time frames and can manage themselves under pressure.

Areas of Study:
  • Food, the Individual, and the Family
  • Local and Global Issues in Food and Hospitality
  • Trends in Food and Culture
  • Food and Safety
  • Food and Hospitality Industry

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Practical Activity 50%
Group Activity 25%
Investigation 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Food and Hospitality SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Digital Photography

In Stage 1 Digital Photography, students will be introduced to creative and technical skills in digital photography. Students will learn camera techniques and editing skills. They will understand how to operate DSLR Camera in Manual Mode and understand how to manipulate settings to create certain photographic effects.

Type: Elective Subject

NTCET Credits: 10



Students studying Stage 1 Digital Photography are recommended to have successfully passed Year 10 Media Art. Students need critical and creative thinking skills and a passion for the arts.


  • Areas of Study:
    • Creative Arts Process
    • Development and Production
    • Concepts in Creative Arts Disciplines
    • Creative Arts in Practice.


All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Product 50%
Folio 25%
Practical Skills 25%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 | Creative Arts | SACE – Creative Arts – South Australian Certificate of Education

SUBJECT: : Graphics Design (Integrated Learning)

In Stage 1 Graphic Design students apply practical skills and design principles to provide creative solutions to text-based communication tasks. They create both hard copy and electronic text-based publications and evaluate the development process. Students use technology to design and implement information processing solutions, and identify, select, and use the appropriate computer hardware and software to process, manage and communicate information in a range of contexts.

Type: Elective Subject

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None



Students studying Stage 1 Graphic Design students need critical and creative thinking skills and an eye for design.

Areas of Study:
  • Practical Inquiries enable students to demonstrate practical application and development of their Graphic Design knowledge, concepts, and skills
  • In the Connections task students design promotional material for an event whilst making connections between Graphic Design skills and their development of the critical and creative thinking capability.
  • The Personal Endeavour is an investigation in which students explore the work of a graphic designer through research, analysis, practical work and exploration of skills and techniques.

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Practical Exploration 40%
Connections 40%
Personal Venture 20%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Integrated Learning SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Child Studies

In Stage 1 Child Studies, students explore the period of childhood from conception to 8 years exploring issues related to their growth, health and well-being. It examines the diverse values and beliefs about childhood, the nature of contemporary families and the changing roles of children in a society.

Dot point info:

Type: Elective Subject

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: NIL



Students studying Stage 1 Child Studies are recommended to have successfully passed Year 10 Child Studies.


All assessment at Stage 1 is school based


Assessment Type Weighting
Practical Activity 50%
Group Activity 20%
Investigation 30%


Stage 1 | Child Studies | SACE – Child Studies – South Australian Certificate of Education

Combined Year 10 and 11
Semester 1: Musical Performance

Students explore the genre of Musical Theatre and associated Dance, Drama and Music application and performance. Learning experiences focus on collaboration to create a Musical Theatre performance for a public audience. In theory lessons, students reflect on the collaborative process, research Musical Theatre practitioners and conduct skills assessments.

Semester 2: Music

In senior music, you will develop your own personal voice, confidence and understanding of the workings of the music industry. As a class ensemble and individually, you will develop your theory and technique by playing and writing your own songs which you will record and share. You will need to have skills in a musical instrument before you enter this class.

Type: Elective Subject

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: $150 (includes shirt – Semester 1 only Musical)



It is essential for students studying Stage 1 Music to have had previous experience in music through school subjects, music lessons, singing lessons and/or tuitions. It is also highly recommended that students have had experience in performing in front of an audience as this is part of their final assessment.

Focus Areas:
  • Students explore and apply their stylistic understanding, instrumental/vocal skills, and performance technique to develop, refine, and present a set of performance works to a live audience.
  • Students will apply their knowledge and understanding of melodic structures through a notated score.
  • Students will submit a folio evidencing their progression throughout the course with focus on musical theory and reflective practice. They will respond to set questions as well as document checkpoints throughout their individual development.
  • Students will apply their musical elements knowledge by comparing two set works from their performance repertoire. They will use terminology and musical evidence to compare the relationship between musical styles.

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Creative Works 60%
Music Literacy 40%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Dance SACE minisite

Head of Department:

Sarah Taylor 

Ph:  (08) 8983 7288


SUBJECT: English Pre-Literary Studies

Stage 1 English is designed to help students explore how the purpose of text is achieved through application of text conventions and stylistic choices to position the audience to respond to ideas and perspectives. Students are required to respond to texts, produce texts of their own, and complete an intertextual study. This course takes steps to prepare students for Stage 2 Literary Studies.

Type: Compulsory – At Stage 1 students must complete 20 credits of Literacy through English subjects.

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Stage 1 English relies on successful completion of two semesters of Year 10 Advanced English ideally at a B level or better.

Areas of Study:
  • Responding to Texts
  • Creating Texts
  • Intertextual study

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Responding to Texts 45%
Creating Texts 25%
Intertextual Study 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 English SACE minisite

SUBJECT: English

Stage 1 English is designed to help students explore how the purpose of text is achieved through application of text conventions and stylistic choices to position the audience to respond to ideas and perspectives. Students are required to respond to texts, produce texts of their own, and complete an intertextual study.

Type: Compulsory – At Stage 1 students must complete 20 credits of Literacy through English subjects.

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Stage 1 English relies on successful completion of two semesters of Year 10 Curriculum English ideally at a B level or better.

Areas of Study:
  • Responding to Texts
  • Creating Texts
  • Intertextual study

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Responding to Texts 45%
Creating Texts 25%
Intertextual Study 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 English SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Essential English

English Essentials provides students with a focus for informed and effective participation in education, training, the workplace and their personal environment. In Stage 1 English Essentials students read, listen, speak, respond to and compose texts in order to establish and maintain connections with familiar and unfamiliar contexts for a range of purposes.

Type: Compulsory – At Stage 1 students must complete 20 credits of Literacy through English subjects.

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


All students in Year 11 are required to pass two semesters of an English or Literacy course.

Areas of Study:
  • Responding to Texts
  • Creating Texts

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based


Assessment Type Weighting
Responding to Texts 50%
Creating Texts 50%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Essential English SACE minisite

Head of Department:

Elliot Saunderson 

Ph:  (08) 8983 7183


SUBJECT: : Business & Tourism (Cross-disciplinary Studies)

Students will engage in a cross-disciplinary study of Business and Tourism. They will develop an understanding of tourists, tourism markets and the broader industry, including explore the value and sustainability of tourism businesses in the Northern Territory. Students will investigate opportunities and challenges for local tourism businesses, explore tourism industry skills, and learn about start-up businesses. Students will reflect on current issues for tourism business and evaluate business decisions.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Students studying Stage 1 Business & Tourism should have successfully completed a Year 10 Humanities elective (Business and Legal or Geography). Students must have good literacy skills and critical and creative thinking skills.

Focus areas:

Semester 1:

  • Existing local tourism business
  • Value of Tourism to NT Top End
  • Local impacts of tourism

Semester 2:

  • Sustainability of local tourism industry and businesses
  • Design thinking
  • Start-up tourism businesses

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Group Project 40%
Skill and Applications Tasks 30%
Analysis 30%


SUBJECT: : Geography (Cross-disciplinary Studies) - Currently Unavailable

Stage 1 Geography enables students to develop an understanding of natural hazards facing Australia and the world, including atmospheric and geological hazards. They explore ecological hazards including terrorism and disease, and investigate their impact on transport, trade and global relationships. Students learn to analyse the interactions between people, places, and environments, and explore challenges facing Australian places. This subject includes fieldwork.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: May include field trip costs


Students studying Stage 1 Geography should have successfully complete Geography at Year 10 level. Students need critical and creative thinking skills.

Skills and Themes:

Geographical Skills: including fieldwork, map reading, interpreting data and statistics

Theme 1: Sustainable Places

Theme 2: Hazards

Theme 3: Contemporary Issues


All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Geographic Skills and Applications 70%
Fieldwork 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Geography SACE Minisite

SUBJECT: Modern History

In the study of Modern History at Stage 1, students explore changes within the world since 1750, examining developments and movements, the ideas that inspired them, and their short-term and long-term consequences for societies, systems, and individuals.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Students studying Stage 1 Modern History should have successfully completed History in Year 10. Students need good literacy skills and critical and creative thinking skills.

Topics (Teacher chooses two)
  • Topic 1: Imperialism
  • Topic 2: Decolonisation
  • Topic 3: Indigenous peoples
  • Topic 4: Social movements
  • Topic 5: Revolution
  • Topic 6: Elective

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Historical Skills 70%
Historical Study 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Modern History SACE Minisite

SUBJECT: Research Project

Research Project is a 10-credit Stage 2 subject offered in Semester 2 of Year 11. The subject is offered to students with high literacy skills that are aiming to get an ATAR.
Students choose a research question that is based on an area of interest and use the research framework as a guide to develop their research and applying knowledge, skills, and ideas specific to their research question. Students synthesise their key findings to produce a Research Outcome, which is substantiated by evidence and examples from the research. They evaluate the research processes used, and the quality of their Research Outcome.
Following the completion of Research Project students are offered the opportunity to present their research outcome at Charles Darwin University, earning them university credit points which are transferrable to many other Australian universities.

Type: Elective – Semester 2 only

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Students studying Stage 2 Research Project begin the course in week 10 of Semester 1 with a week-long intensive. To be successful in Research Project students are required to have very strong literacy skills, it is recommended that students have a demonstrated success in Year 11 English Pre-Literary Studies for semester 1.

Topics (Teacher chooses two)

The four parts of the research framework for Research Project B are:

    1. initiating and planning the research
    2. developing the research
    3. producing and substantiating the Research Outcome
    4. evaluating the research.

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based



School Based Weighting
Folio 40%
Research Outcome 30%
Evaluation 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Reserach Project SACE minisite


Head of Department:

Amanda Tully

Ph:  (08) 8983 7211


SUBJECT: Health and Wellbeing - Stage 1

Students explore the determinants of health and the various factors that shape the behaviour and attitudes of individuals and groups in relation to healthy living, and caring for themselves and their community. Students develop their group and individual skills by considering the role of health and wellbeing in different contexts and explore ways of promoting positive outcomes for individuals and global society. Students evaluate current trends and issues that impact health and wellbeing and reflect on personal and community actions to promote and improve sustainable outcomes for individuals, communities, and global society.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


To be successful students will require strong literacy and ICT skills, critical and creative thinking, and research skills.

Areas of Study:
  • Health Literacy
  • Health Determinants
  • Health Promotion
  • Social Equity

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based


Assessment Type Weighting
Practical Action 60%
Issue Inquiry 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Health and Wellbeing SACE Minisite

SUBJECT: Outdoor Educations

Students develop skills, knowledge, and understanding of safe and sustainable outdoor experiences in the key areas of preparation and planning, managing risk, leadership and decision-making, and self-reliance skills. Students explore feral animal management strategies in the Northern Territory and explore current environmental issues.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: $150


To be successful students will require strong personal and social skills and a desire to succeed.

Areas of Study:
  • Focus Area 1: Environment and conservation
  • Focus Area 2: Planning and management
  • Focus Area 3: Personal and social growth and development.

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based


Assessment Type Weighting
About Natural Environments 40%
Experiences in Natural Environments 60%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Outdoor Education SACE Minisite

SUBJECT: Physical Education - Stage 1

Students explore strategies to increase inclusivity and participation in modified games using knowledge of movement concepts and data analysis of evidence collected from each game. Students examine how the modifications to the game increase the inclusivity and accessibility for participants. Working in groups students develop lesson plans to impact the outcomes of learners in Physical Education classes.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


To be successful students will require strong literacy and ICT skills, critical and creative thinking, and research skills.

Focus Areas:
  • Focus Area 1: In movement
  • Focus Area 2: Through movement
  • Focus Area 3: About movement.
Assessment Type Weighting
Performance Improvement 50%
Physical Activity Investigation 50%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Physical Education SACE Minisite

Head of Department:

Eilish McCluskey

Ph:  (08) 8983 7180


SUBJECT: Digital Technologies

In this course students identify problems and use data-informed, computational, iterative thinking to design and test digital solutions. Students learn programming language and use them design computer games. They consider ethical and safety issues in their solutions, and explore innovations and entrepreneurship.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


To be successful at Stage 1 Digital Technologies students require Mathematical abilities in statistics and data and strong critical and creative thinking skills. Prior use of Scratch and GODOT game engine is highly desirable.

Focus Areas (study at least two):
  • Focus area 1: Programming
  • Focus area 2: Advanced programming
  • Focus area 3: Data analytics
  • Focus area 4: Exploring innovations.

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Project Skills 60%
Digital Solution 40%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Digital Technologies SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Essential Mathematics

In this course, students extend their mathematical skills through application to practical problem-solving. They explore a range of applications of mathematics, including statistics, earning and spending and scale and ratio. Maths Essentials fulfils the requirement for Stage 1 numeracy credits for NTCET completion.

This course does not lead to further study of Mathematics in Year 12

Type: Compulsory – At Stage 1 students must complete 10 credits of Numeracy through Mathematics subjects.

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Stage 1 Essential Mathematics relies on knowledge of year 10 Mathematics.

Topic Areas (Teacher chooses 3 topics per semester):
  • Topic 1: Calculations, time, and ratio
  • Topic 2: Earning and spending
  • Topic 3: Geometry
  • Topic 4: Data in context
  • Topic 5: Measurement
  • Topic 6: Investing

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Skills and Applications Tasks 60%
Folio 40%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Essential Mathematics SACE Minisite

SUBJECT: General Mathematics

In this course, students develop the ability to solve problems in Financial Mathematics and Trigonometry. They explore the concepts of Investing and Borrowing, Linear and Exponentials Functions as well as Applications of Trigonometry. This course prepares students for Stage 2 General Mathematics, which can lead to further study in a variety of courses including accounting, management, health sciences, business, education, commerce and computer studies.

Type: Compulsory – At Stage 1 students must complete 10 credits of Numeracy through Mathematics subjects.

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None, Students are expected to purchase their own calculator.


Stage 1 General Mathematics relies on successful completion of two semesters of Year 10 Curriculum Mathematics ideally at a B level or better. Students must have good literacy skills to enable them to reason mathematically and write about interpretations and limitations in real-life contexts.

Topic Areas (Teacher chooses 3 topics per semester):
  • Topic 1: Investing and borrowing
  • Topic 2: Measurement
  • Topic 3: Statistical investigation
  • Topic 4: Applications of trigonometry
  • Topic 5: Linear and exponential functions and their graphs
  • Topic 6: Matrices and networks

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Skills and Applications Tasks 75%
Folio 25%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 General Mathematics SACE Minisite

SUBJECT: Mathematical Methods A

In this course students develop the ability to model and solve problems using linear, quadratic, polynomial and quadratic functions. Students learn an introduction to calculus. They investigate and report on the use of mathematics to model real life scenarios. This course prepares students for Stage 2 Mathematical Methods, which provides pathways into a variety of university courses including science, engineering and architecture.

Type: Compulsory – At Stage 1 students must complete 10 credits of Numeracy through Mathematics subjects.

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None, Students are expected to purchase their own calculator.


Stage 1 Mathematical Methods relies on strong mathematical skills & knowledge in particular algebraic manipulation. To be successful, students in Stage 1 Methods should have successful completed two semesters of Year 10 Advanced Mathematics ideally at a B level or better. Students must have good literacy skills to enable them to reason mathematically and write about interpretations and limitation in real-life contexts.

Topic Areas (Teacher chooses 3 topics per semester):
  • Topic 1: Functions and graphs
  • Topic 2: Polynomials
  • Topic 3: Trigonometry
  • Topic 4: Counting and statistics
  • Topic 5: Growth and decay
  • Topic 6: Introduction to differential calculus

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Skills and Applications Tasks 75%
Folio 25%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Mathematics SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Pre-Specialist Mathematics

In this course students develop higher-order mathematical reasoning through a variety of topics including geometric series and sequences, geometry and trigonometry, and complex numbers. This course prepares students for Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics, which provides pathways into university courses including physics, engineering, and computer sciences. This subject is offered as an elective, and must be taken with Math Methods A.

Type: None, Students are expected to purchase their own calculator.

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None, Students are expected to purchase their own calculator.


Stage 1 Pre-Specialist Mathematics relies on strong mathematical skills & knowledge in particular algebraic manipulation. To be successful students in Stage 1 Methods should have successful completed two semesters of Year 10 Advanced Mathematics ideally at a B level or better. Students must have good literacy skills to enable them to reason mathematically and write about interpretations and limitation in real-life contexts.

Topic Areas (Teacher chooses 3 topics per semester):
  • Topic 7: Arithmetic and geometric sequences and series
  • Topic 8: Geometry
  • Topic 9: Vectors in the plane
  • Topic 10: Further trigonometry
  • Topic 11: Matrices
  • Topic 12: Real and complex numbers

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Skills and Applications Tasks 75%
Folio 25%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Mathematics SACE minisite

Head of Department:

Alex Mildenhall

Ph:  (08) 8983 7178


SUBJECT: Biology

In this course, students develop their knowledge and understanding of cell biology, specifically the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. They discover how microorganisms grow and survive, and investigate how they cause disease. Students examine the importance of biodiversity, investigate ecosystem dynamics in local environments and explore the interaction between biology and society.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Stage 1 Biology relies on strong knowledge of Science Inquiry Skills and Biology content from Year 10 Science, to be successful in Stage 1 Biology students should have successfully completed two semesters of Year 10 Science or Advanced Science. To be able to write scientific reports, students must have good literacy skills. Students are required to be competent in the interpretation and drawing of graphs.

Topic Areas:
  • Topic 1: Cells and microorganisms
  • Topic 2: Infectious disease
  • Topic 3: Multicellular organisms
  • Topic 4: Biodiversity and ecosystem dynamic

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Investigations Folio 70%
Skills and Applications Tasks 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Biology SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Chemistry

In this course, students begin investigating how the properties and uses of materials relate to their chemical structure. They explore the bonding behaviour, properties, and shape of different classes of molecules. Students study the structure and properties of hydrocarbons and explore the interaction between chemistry and society.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Stage 1 Chemistry relies on strong knowledge of Science Inquiry Skills and Chemistry content from Year 10 Science, to be successful in Stage 1 Chemistry students should have successfully completed two semesters of Year 10 Science or Advanced Science ideally at a B level or better. Students also require strong skills in mathematics. To be able to write scientific reports, students must have good literacy skills. Students are required to be competent in the many areas of mathematics including substitution, rearrangement of formulas, scientific notation, and the interpretation and creation of graphs.

Topic Areas (Teacher chooses 3 topics per semester):
  • Topic 1: Materials and their atoms
  • Topic 2: Combinations of atoms
  • Topic 3: Molecules
  • Topic 4: Mixtures and solutions
  • Topic 5: Acid and bases
  • Topic 6: Redox reactions

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Investigations Folio 50%
Skills and Applications Tasks 50%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Chemistry SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Physics

In this course, students develop and extend their understanding of motion and forces, investigating factors that affect the drop time of a parachute. They explore the interaction between matter and energy including heat and study the interaction between physics and society.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Stage 1 Physics relies on strong knowledge of Science Inquiry Skills and Physics content from Year 10 Science, to be successful in Stage 1 Physics students should have successfully completed two semesters of Year 10 Science or Advanced Science ideally at a B level or better. Students also require strong skills in mathematics. To be able to write scientific reports, students must have good literacy skills. Students are required to be competent in the interpretation and drawing of graphs.

Topic Areas :
  • Topic 1: Linear motion and forces
  • Topic 2: Electric circuits
  • Topic 3: Heat
  • Topic 4: Energy and momentum
  • Topic 5: Waves
  • Topic 6: Nuclear models and radioactivity

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Investigations Folio 50%
Skills and Applications Tasks 50%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Physics SACE minisite


SUBJECT: Psychology

In this course, students explore topics such as an introduction to research methods in psychology, how the brain, hormones and neurotransmitters influence behaviour, emotions and wellbeing and understanding how cognition and wellbeing develop and change across the lifespan. The course builds on scientific methods by collecting and analysing qualitative and quantitative data.

Type: Elective

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Stage 1 Psychology relies on strong knowledge of Science Inquiry Skills from Year 10 Science, to be successful in Stage 1 Psychology students should have successfully completed two semesters of Year 10 Science or Advanced Science. To be able to write scientific reports, students must have good literacy skills. Students are required to be competent in the interpretation and drawing of graphs.

Topic Areas :
  • Topic 1: Cognitive Psychology
  • Topic 2: Neuropsychology
  • Topic 3: Lifespan Psychology
  • Topic 4: Emotion
  • Topic 5: Psychological Wellbeing
  • Topic 6: Psychology in Context

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Investigations Folio 50%
Skills and Applications Tasks 50%


Additional Links:

Stage 1 Psychology SACE minisite

Head of Department:

Jason Dyson 

Ph:  (08) 8983 7195
