Student attendance is processed daily by members of the Taminmin’s Attendance Team, your child’s attendance is important as they learn, develop life skills and build friendships when they are at school.
If your child is struggling with school please contact the Home Liaison Officer (HLO) and Aboriginal and Islander Education Worker (AIEW) to discuss these reasons so that we can work in partnership to ensure your child is supported through this time.
Absentee notification to parents
When a student is absent a Compass generated SMS will be sent home advising of their absence (this SMS cannot be replied to). This message is sent home after 10.15am every day.
In the Afternoon you will receive an email detailing any sessions your child may have been marked absent or was late arriving to.
Non-Attendance impacts funding and Government Benefit’s:
Students Non-Attendance also impacts funding that the school receives.
Families who receive benefits from the government are also impacted when their child does not attend school – students who have more than 5 unexplained absences maybe income managed by Services Australia.
How to notify your Childs absence:
Students’ absences can be notified one of the following ways:
Reception – 8983 7000
Absentee Line – 8983 7227