Year 12

SUBJECT: Creative Arts

In Stage 2 Creative Arts, students analyse and evaluate creative arts products in different contexts and from various perspectives. They gain an understanding and appreciation of the ways in which creative arts contribute to and shape the intellectual, social, and cultural life of individuals and communities. Students apply the creative arts process of investigation, development, production and reflection across assessments, developing and refining their individual arts practice.

Examinable: No

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: $100 (per year)


Students studying Stage 2 Creative Arts are recommended to have studied at least one semester of Creative Arts at Stage 1. Students need critical and creative thinking skills and a passion for the arts.

Areas of Study:
  • Creative Arts Process
  • Development and Production
  • Concepts in Creative Arts Disciplines
  • Creative Arts in Practice.
Assessment Type Weighting
Product 50%
Folio 20%
Practical Skills 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Creative Art SACE minisite

SUBJECT: : Graphics Design (Integrated Learning)

Students learn about the elements and principles of design, then apply them to creative projects such as a poster design and magazine layout. Students participate in hands-on, school based projects by creating promotional materials for the annual school musical, as well as designing and producing the Year 12 Yearbook. They learn about important design movements in history and develop technical skills in the Adobe Creative Suite programs. They create their own original designs and communicate their ideas and opinions through the critical and creative thinking capability.

This course is implemented as a 20-credit Integrated Learning A. This subject framework that enables students to make links between aspects of their lives and their learning.

Examinable: No

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None



Students studying Stage 2 Graphic Design are recommended to have studied at least one semester of Stage 1 Graphic Design. Students need critical and creative thinking skills and an eye for design.

Focus Areas:
  • Practical Inquiries enable students to demonstrate practical application and development of their Graphic Design knowledge, concepts, and skills
  • In the Connections task students design the school Yearbook whilst making connections between Graphic Design skills and their development of the critical and creative thinking capability.
  • The Personal Endeavour is an investigation in which students explore the work of a graphic designer through research, analysis, practical work and exploration of skills and techniques.

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based

Assessment Type Weighting
Practical Inquiry 40%
Connections 20%
Personal Endeavour 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Integrated Learning SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Digital Photography

In Stage 2 Digital Photography, students analyse and evaluate creative photographic products in different contexts and from various perspectives. They gain an understanding and appreciation of the ways in which photography contributes to and shape the intellectual, social, and cultural life of individuals and communities. Students apply the creative arts process of investigation, development, production and reflection across assessments, developing and refining their individual arts practice.

This subject follows the Creative Arts assessment.

Dot point info:

Examinable: No

NTCET Credits: 20



Students studying Stage 2 Creative Arts are recommended to have studied at least one semester of Creative Arts at Stage 1. Students need critical and creative thinking skills and a passion for the arts.

Areas of Study:

  • Creative Arts Process
  • Development and Production
  • Concepts in Creative Arts Disciplines
  • Creative Arts in Practice.


School Based Weighting
Product 50%
Folio 20%
Practical Skills 30%

Additional Links:

Stage 2 Creative Art SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Music Explorations

In Stage 2 Music Explorations, students are given the opportunity to develop skills on an instrument of their choice as a performer.  You will develop a repertoire of music to perform to an audience.  Students explore some of this music in depth through research, discussion, and analysis while documenting, reflecting, and evaluating their own work and the work of others.


Dot point info:

Examinable: No

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: NIL


Students studying Stage 2 Creative Arts are recommended to have studied at least one semester of Music at Stage 1.

Areas of Study:

  • Musical Composition
  • Performance Development
  • Analysis and Critique


School Based Weighting
Musical Literacy 30%
Explorations 40%
Creative Connections 30%


Overview – Music Explorations – South Australian Certificate of Education (

SUBJECT: Food and Hospitality

In Stage 2 Food and Hospitality, students explore the dynamic nature of the food and hospitality industry and looks and contemporary approaches and issues. Students develop a range of practical and problem-solving skills working independently and in teams.

Examinable: No

NTCET Credits: 20



It is recommended that students undertaking Stage 1 Food and Hospitality to have also taken year 9 Home Economics and/or Year 10 Food and Hospitality. It is also recommended that students work well in teams, work well with industry standard time frames and can manage themselves under pressure.

Areas of Study:

  • Food, the Individual, and the Family
  • Local and Global Issues in Food and Hospitality
  • Trends in Food and Culture
  • Food and Safety
  • Food and Hospitality Industry



School Based Weighting
Practical Activity 50%
Group Activity 20%
Investigation 30%


Overview – Food and Hospitality – South Australian Certificate of Education (

SUBJECT: Child Studies

In Stage 2 Child Studies, student focus on the health, well-being and development of children from conception to 8 years. Students will research, plan, facilitate and evaluate practical application of learning on topics such as nutrition and stages of development.

Dot point info:

Examinable: No

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: NIL



Students studying Stage 2 Child Studies are recommended to have successfully passed Year 11 Child Studies.

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based


School Based Weighting
Practical Activity 50%
Group Activity 20%
Investigation 30%


Stage 2 | Child Studies | SACE – Child Studies – South Australian Certificate of Education

Head of Department:

Rebecca McSkimming

Ph:  (08) 8983 7288


SUBJECT: English

In English students analyse the interrelationship of author, text, and audience, with an emphasis on how language and stylistic features shape ideas and perspectives in a range of contexts. They consider social, cultural, economic, historical, and/or political perspectives in texts and their representation of human experience and the world.

Type: Compulsory – At Stage 1 students must complete 20 credits of Literacy through English subjects.

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


To be successful in Stage 2 English students need to have successfully completed Stage 1 English or Pre-Literary Studies.

Content Areas:
  • Responding to Texts
  • Creating Texts
  • Comparative Analysis
School Based Weighting
Responding to Texts 30%
Creating Texts 40%
Comparative Analysis 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 English SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Essential English

English Literary Studies focuses on the skills and strategies of critical thinking needed to interpret texts. Through shared and individual study of texts, students encounter different opinions about texts, have opportunities to exchange and develop ideas, find evidence to support a personal view and learn to construct logical and convincing arguments. Students also consider a range of critical perspectives in the interpretation of texts.

Examinable: Yes – Electronic

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


To be successful in Stage 2 English Literary Studies students need to have successfully completed Stage 1 Pre-Literary Studies.

Content Areas:
  • Responding to Texts
  • Creating Texts
  • Comparative Text Study
  • Critical Reading
School Based Weighting
Responding to Texts 50%
Creating Texts 20%
Comparative Test Study – 1500 words 25%
Critical Reading – 100min electronic exam 15%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 English Literary Studies SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Essential English

This subject provides students with a focus for informed and effective participation in cultural and/or social contexts. Students use language to establish and maintain effective connections and interactions with people in different contexts. They also read, respond to, and produce texts for a range of purposes.

Examinable: No

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


To be successful in Stage 2 Essential English students need to have successfully completed any Stage 1 English subject

Content Areas:
  • Responding to Texts
  • Creating Texts
  • Language Study
Assessment Type Weighting
Responding to Texts 30%
Creating Texts 40%
Language Study 30%


Head of Department:

Elliot Saunderson

Ph:  (08) 8983 7183


SUBJECT: : Business Innovation- Currently Unavailable

In this course students engage with dynamic real-world problems to identify and design, test, iterate and communicate viable business solutions. Topics covered include, designing business, sustaining business and transforming business.

Examinable: no

NTCET Credits: 10

Cost: None


Students need critical and creative thinking skills. Students must have good literacy skills.

Focus areas:
  • Designing business
  • Sustaining business
  • Transforming business
School Based Weighting
Business Skill 40%
Business Model 30%
Business Plan and Pitch 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Business Innovation SACE minisite

SUBJECT: : Geography- Currently Unavailable

Students develop an understanding of the spatial and interrelationships between people, places and environments. Topics include environmental change and social and economic change. This subject will include field trips that may incur some costs.

Examinable: Yes – Electronic

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: Field trip costs


Students studying Stage 2 Geography should have studied at least one semester of at Geography at Stage 1 level. Students need critical and creative thinking skills.


Theme 1:Environmental Change

  • Topic 1: Ecosystems and people
  • Topic 2: Climate change

Theme 2: Social and Economic Change

  • Topic 3: Population change
  • Topic 4: Globalisation
  • Topic 5: Transforming global inequality.
School Based Weighting
Geographic Skills and Applications 40%
Fieldwork Report 30%
Examination – 130mins Electronic 30%

Examination assesses problem solving and decision making skills and Topics 1 and 3

Additional Links:

Stage 2 Geography SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Legal Studies - Currently Unavailable

This subject analyses the operation, principles, and processes of the Australian legal system. This subject explores rights and responsibilities, sources of law and dispute resolution processes. Students examine how laws are developed, and how the law controls, shapes, and regulates interactions between people, institutions, and government. Students analyse evidence and perspectives to make recommendations for reform to the legal system and laws.

Examinable: Yes – Electronic

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


Students studying Stage 2 Legal Studies should have studied at least one semester of Stage 1 Legal Studies. Students need critical and creative thinking skills. Students must have good literacy skills.

Focus areas:
  • Focus Area 1: Sources of Law
  • Focus Area 2: Dispute Resolution
  • Option Area 1: The Constitution
  • Option Area 2: When Rights Colllide


School Based Weighting
Folio 40%
Inquiry 30%
Examination – 130mins Electronic 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Legal Studies SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Modern History

The Modern History course covers topics including modern nations and the world since 1945. Students will apply inquiry skills to question and analyse historical sources and form arguments. Assessments in this subject are based around historical skills and historical study.

Examinable: Yes – Electronic

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


Students studying Stage 2 Modern History should have studied at least one semester of Modern History for at Stage 1. Students need critical and creative thinking skills. Students must have good literacy skills.

Focus areas:
  • Modern Nations
  • The World since 1945
School Based Weighting
Historical Skills 50%
Historical Study 20%
Examination – 130mins Electronic 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Modern Hostory SACE minisite

Head of Department:

Amanda Tully

Ph:  (08) 8983 7211


SUBJECT: Health and Wellbeing - Stage 2

Students learn about the factors that shape the behaviour and attitudes of individuals and groups in relation to healthy living, and caring for themselves and the environment. They develop skills to consider how changing social structures, community values, environmental issues and new technologies affect the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

Examinable: No

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


Students studying Stage 2 Health and Wellbeing are recommended to have studied at least one semester of Stage 1 Health. To be successful students will require strong literacy and ICT skills, critical and creative thinking, and research skills.

Content Areas:
  • Health Literacy
  • Health Determinants
  • Health Promotion
  • Social Equity
School Based Weighting
Initiative 40%
Folio 30%
Inquiry 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Health and Wellbeing SACE Minisite

SUBJECT: Physical Education - Stage 2

Students gain an understanding of human functioning and physical activity, and an awareness of the community structures and practices that influence participation in physical activity. They explore their own physical capacities and analyse performance, health and lifestyle issues. Students develop skills in communication, investigation and the ability to apply knowledge to practical situations.

Examinable: No

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


Students studying Stage 2 Physical Education are recommended to have studied at least one semester of Stage 1 Physical Education. To be successful students will require strong literacy and ICT skills, critical and creative thinking, and research skills.

Focus Areas:
  • Focus Area 1: In movement
  • Focus Area 2: Through movement
  • Focus Area 3: About movement.
School Based Weighting
Diagnostics 30%
Self-improvement Portfolio 40%
Group Dynamics 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Physical Education SACE Minisite

Head of Department:

Eilish McCluskey

Ph:  (08) 8983 7180


SUBJECT: Essential Mathematics

In this course, students develop the ability to apply mathematical skills to practical problem-solving in everyday and workplace contexts. Students will solve problems in trigonometry, geometry, and measurement. They explore financial mathematics through investments and loans, taxation and business structure. Students use statistical skills to interpret and analyse real life data, ensuring they understand the validity and reliability of results.

This subject is intended for students planning to pursue a career in a range of trades or vocations.

Examinable: Yes – Written

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None. Students are expected to purchase their own calculator.


Stage 2 Essential Mathematics relies on knowledge of at least one semester of Stage 1 General Mathematics or strong results in two semesters of Stage 1 Essential Mathematics. Students must have good literacy skills to enable them to reason mathematically and write about interpretations and limitations in real-life contexts.

Topic Areas:
  • Topic 1: Scales, plans, and models
  • Topic 2: Measurement
  • Topic 3: Business applications
  • Topic 4: Statistics
  • Topic 5: Investments and loans

All assessment at Stage 1 is school based


School Based Weighting
Skills and Applications Tasks 30%
Folio 40%
Examination (130 minutes – Handwritten) 30%

Examination assesses Topics 2, 4 and 5


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Essential Mathematics SACE minisite

SUBJECT: General Mathematics

In this course, students develop the ability to solve problems in linear programming, matrices, statistics, financial maths and discrete models. They explore how to optimise business costs, how to calculate sports team rankings based on matrices, and how to plan for retirement through researching superannuation. Students use algorithms and discrete models for finding optimal solutions for problems involving critical path analysis and assignment. They learn statistical techniques to investigate relationships between data sets and use this for making predictions in many social, industrial, and scientific contexts

Examinable: Yes – Written

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None, Students are expected to purchase their own calculator.


Stage 2 General Mathematics relies on successful completion of two semesters of Stage 1 General Mathematics at a C level or better. Students are required to be competent in the many areas of mathematics with a focus on the use of graphics calculators. Students must have good literacy skills to enable them to reason mathematically and write about interpretations and limitations in real-life contexts.

Topic Areas (Teacher chooses 3 topics per semester):

Topic 1: Modelling with linear relationships

  • Topic 2: Modelling with matrices
  • Topic 3: Statistical models
  • Topic 4: Financial models
  • Topic 5: Discrete models
School Based Weighting
Skills and Applications Tasks 40%
Mathematical Investigations 30%
Examination (130 minutes – Handwritten) 30%

Examination assesses Topics 3, 4 and 5

Additional Links:

Stage 2 General Mathematics SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Mathematical Methods

In this course, students learn to differentiate and integrate polynomial, trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions. They apply these techniques to problems involving kinematics, increasing and decreasing functions, and modelling real-world situations. They learn about probability distributions of discrete and continuous random variables, and use the normal distribution to describe and predict real world statistics.

Examinable: Yes – Written

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None, Students are expected to purchase their own calculator.


Stage 2 Mathematical Methods relies on successful completion of at least two semesters of Stage 1 Mathematics at a C level or above. Students are required to be competent in the many areas of mathematics in particular algebraic manipulation. Students must have good literacy skills to enable them to reason mathematically and write about interpretations and limitation in real-life contexts.

Topic Areas:
  • Topic 1: Further differentiation and applications
  • Topic 2: Discrete random variables
  • Topic 3: Integral calculus
  • Topic 4: Logarithmic functions
  • Topic 5: Continuous random variables
  • Topic 6: Sampling and confidence intervals.
School Based Weighting
Skills and Applications Tasks 50%
Mathematical Investigation 20%
Examination (130 minutes – Handwritten) 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Mathematical Methods SACE minisite

Head of Department:

Alex Mildenhall

Ph:  (08) 8983 7178


SUBJECT: Biology

In this course, students further their knowledge and understanding of cell biology including cell structure and function and cell processes essential to all life. They explore the concept of homeostasis by examining the human nervous and endocrine systems. Students learn about our genetic code through DNA structure and replication, protein synthesis and mutations. They delve into gene expression, DNA profiling, and genetic engineering. Students look at how organisms evolve to ensure the survival of the species and explore the interaction between biology and society.

Examinable: Yes – Electronic

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


Stage 2 Biology relies on knowledge of at least one semesters of Stage 1 Biology. To be able to write scientific reports, students must have good literacy skills. Students are required to be competent in the interpretation and drawing of graphs.

Topic Areas:
  • Topic 1: DNA and proteins
  • Topic 2: Cells as the basis of life
  • Topic 3: Homeostasis
  • Topic 4: Evolution


School Based Weighting
Investigations Folio 40%
Skills and Applications Tasks 30%
Examination (130 minutes – Electronic) 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Biology SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Chemistry

In this course, students further their knowledge and understanding of chemistry through exploring methods of analytical chemistry such as titration and atomic absorption spectroscopy. They examine the management of chemical processes through the means of rates of reaction and equilibrium systems in the context of the Haber and contact processes. Students look at the physical properties and reactions of organic molecules and perform experiments including identification of unknown substances, saponification, distillation, esterification and silver coating.

Examinable: Yes

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


Stage 2 Chemistry relies on knowledge of two semesters of Stage 1 Chemistry. Students are required to be competent in the many areas of mathematics including substitution, rearrangement of formulas, scientific notation, and the interpretation and creation of graphs. To be able to write scientific reports, students must have good literacy skills.

Topic Areas:
  • Topic 1: Monitoring the environment
  • Topic 2: Managing chemical processes
  • Topic 3: Organic and biological chemistry
  • Topic 4: Managing resources
School Based Weighting
Investigations Folio 40%
Skills and Applications Tasks 30%
Examination (130 minutes – Electronic) 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Chemistry SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Physics

In this course, students extend their knowledge and understanding of motion in two dimensions, they investigate projectile, circular, and gravitational motion and are introduced to the special theory of relativity. Students examine electric and magnetic fields and how these can be modelled, modified, and used in a variety of applications. The properties of light are explored through both wave and particle models, and students explore applications including lasers, X-rays, spectroscopy and the photoelectric effect. Students are introduced to the Standard Model of matter. Experiments are used to demonstrate Physics theory in real life and students explore the interaction between physics and society through research of current advancements in science.

Examinable: Yes – Written

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None. Students are expected to purchase their own calculator.


Stage 2 Physics relies on successful completion of two semesters of Stage 1 Physics. Students are required to be competent in many areas of mathematics including substitution, rearrangement of formulas, scientific notation, and the interpretation of graphs. To be able to write scientific reports, students must have good literacy skills.

Topic Areas:
  • Topic 1: Motion and relativity
  • Topic 2: Electricity and magnetism
  • Topic 3: Light and atoms
School Based Weighting
Investigations Folio 40%
Skills and Applications Tasks 30%
Examination (130 minutes – Electronic) 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Physics SACE minisite

Physics classroom


SUBJECT: Psychology

In this course, students extend their understanding of their own behaviours and the behaviours of others. They explore how psychological knowledge can improve outcomes and the quality of experience in various areas of life, such as education, intimate relationships, child-rearing, employment, and leisure. Students develop skills in the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, analytical and critical thinking, and in making inferences by employing evidence-based procedures.

Examinable: Yes – Electronic

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


Stage 2 Psychology relies on knowledge of at least two semesters of any Stage 1 Science. Students are required to be competent in the many areas of mathematics including substitution, rearrangement of formulas and the interpretation and creation of graphs. To be able to write scientific reports, students must have good literacy skills.

Topic Areas:
  • Topic 1: Psychology of the Individual
  • Topic 2: Psychological Health and Wellbeing
  • Topic 3: Organisational Psychology
  • Topic 4: Social Influence
  • Topic 5: The Psychology of Learning
School Based Weighting
Investigations Folio 40%
Skills and Applications Tasks 30%
Examination (130 minutes – Electronic) 30%

Examination assesses Science Inquiry Skills, Science as a Human Endeavour Topic 4 and 5


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Psychology SACE minisite

SUBJECT: Scientific Studies

In this course, students focus on observations, questioning and thinking scientifically. Students will investigate and respond to challenges whilst identifying links between science and society. The content of this subject is chosen in discussion with the subject teacher.

Examinable: No

NTCET Credits: 20

Cost: None


Stage 2 Scientific Studies relies on knowledge of at least one semester of any stage 1 Science subject. Students are required to be competent in the many areas of mathematics interpretation of graphs. To be able to write scientific reports, students must have good literacy skills.

Topic Areas:
  • Understanding of Scientific
  • Concepts Science as a Human Endeavour
  • Science Inquiry Skills
School Based Weighting
Investigations Folio 50%
Skills and Applications Tasks 20%
Examination (130 minutes – Electronic) 30%


Additional Links:

Stage 2 Scientific Studies SACE minisite

Head of Department:

Jason Dyson

Ph:  (08) 8983 7195
